My Ice Chest Cooler: One of the Best Purchases I've Ever Made

You may have an ice chest cooler for outdoor activities like hunting, camping, or fishing, but I've mine to keep my beer bottles chilled during summer. I purchased 37Qt Techni Ice Signature Series Cooler about 6 months before and I'm really satisfied with its performance till date; it's a solid piece of work I must agree. It's not one of the most expensive options that I've come across, however, it is no less than those in any case. A part of the credit goes to me somehow ( laugh ). Well… I know the perfect recipe to keep perishable items chilled for a longer time without compromising on its ability. What you need are perishable items ( beer in my case, giggle ), ice packs and NO air at all. You may know all this, but did you know – the surface of ice determines how long it'd last inside your cooler? The harder surface the ice has, the longer it'd last. Moreover, don't forget packing your cooler is actually a skill. To make ...